Never chase clients for everyday expenses again

With secure personal bank feeds,  AI-powered categorisation, and Xero sync, Prosaic automatically prepares expense claims for home office, motor vehicle, travel and more.

As Seen In

Ask For Confirmation, Not Information.

With a secure bank feed for all your clients deductible, personal transactions, like rates and power, you can prepare their entire tax return without chasing them for missing information.

Your AI Co-Pilot

Leverage GPT OpenAI to effortlessly filter though transactions for hard-to-find or partial expenses like home office, mortgage interest, or subscriptions. Prosaic then learns and automates the next time.

Connected Accounting

Instantly sync expenses into popular formats like Xero Journals or Bills, enabling accurate, speedy GST and tax returns, so you can spend less time chasing data, and more time providing trusted advice.

Making hard, simple.

With Prosaic, we can offer our clients a much more streamlined service and makes everyone’s lives easier

Alecia McCulloch

Founder & CEO, Managing Director, Fantail Finances

Prosaic finds deductions automatically, so we spent less time chasing clients for spreadsheets, and more time getting them the best return

Kevin Summerhays

How to get started


Invite your clients to securely authorise access to their personal bank, card and mortgage accounts. Prosaic will use AI to look for eligible tax deductions.


Review and update the results with your client, setting defaults like ratios for home office or motor vehicle. Prosaic learns and remembers next time.


Export a summary of GST and Tax deductions for IRD, Xero, or your preferred accounting platform. Prosaic continues to track deductions, ready for  next return.